Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I recently read an editorial mocking the overblown and unending use of the word change by our current crop of presidential candidates. Apparently it the one thing every one of every race, economic background and political persuasion can agree on. The time has come for change. There’s a very good chance a man named Obama may be our next president. The thing is if he does win it will not be because he’s better (at least that’s my view) but because in a season where change is so badly desired by so many Mr. Obama has managed to embody it. Change is powerful stuff. And yet, so many of us fear it.

Very often Christians stand against change. This puts us in an awkward position because this is a battle we will usually loose. Change will come.

Funny thing is, we often loose because God created a world for us that is in constant flux, ever changing, never fixed.

So what this means is that at least some of the time, when we are fighting again change we are fighting against the way God made the world. Let me put that more directely. Sometimes when we defend against change we are waging battle with God Himself.

So, how do we know when we are noble, standing firm on things that matter? How do we know when we are simply fools defending our way of life or some personal belief that God never asked us to stand for?

Sooner or later we all play the fool. I for one am a repeat offender. The difference is in how long it takes to discover our foolishness isn’t it?


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