Before the Throne

The lights are down. The speaker has finished. The message was moving. The music begins to rise. A leader begins to speak about the need to act on what has been said. The alter is open.
They are referred to as “alter calls.” I have been a part of many. I’ve “led” a few. I’ve been in the back of the room countless times, but I still don’t know what I believe or how I feel about this way of doing ministry.
What is it about the call to come forward that’s so important to the faith of so many? It’s not something that has always been done by Christians, at least not as the Great Awakening and Billy Graham have made it known. The call to commitment, the challenge to face God, even the human need to have watershed moments of deep soul searching. I think we see these in the Bible and I think we need these today, whether they occur beside our bed or at the front of the church.
Perhaps the heart needs room to work when the mind is not busy following someone else’s words or worrying about the outside world, but when does providing a time and place for that kind of reflection turn into manipulation?
Recently two friends and I began talking about this while planning an upcoming youth retreat. I don’t know that we all saw things exactly the same way, but I know that we all love God. Most of all I wonder what God thinks and I wouldn’t mind knowing what you think either.
Take Care