Monday, August 07, 2006

Misplaced Love?

Kirk and Riley, our two dogs, ran off from the house yesterday afternoon and the rest of our day and night was just ruined. They have been missing before, but never overnight. We searched and searched, for hours, on into the night. Several people said they saw them, but always long before we arrived. I had taken for granted how much they mean to us and how much they are a part of our family. Worst of all, it was my fault. I had been the one to cease paying them attention, while I was busy elsewhere.

Amy and I went to bed last night so tired. I slept a guilty sleep. We left the gate open and the garage door cracked in case they found their way back, but I had little hope. They had never run so far and been gone so long.

I woke early this morning and checked the garage…nothing. Then the back yard… and there they were greasy, dirty, and by the looks of things exhausted. I let them in and we went running to our bedroom yelling “They’re back!” “They’re back!” I cried, just for a minute, but now two hours later I still feel emotionally worn from the experience.

It’s special, and sad, how much our pets can mean to us, much more than they deserve. They're given so much more love than many human beings ever receive. Much more than I give to others on my bad days. I wonder... did Jesus ever love a pet? We don't lavish treats and special possesions on our pets, but we do buy the "good" dog food in the green bag. Sometimes we have to stretch to provide some medical treatment or medicine. Did Jesus ever feed a pet food that could have gone to a person? I know I would never feed my dog, let alone myself while a truly hungry person was in view, but then again we've learned to live far from those people these days. I don't plan on giving up our furry companions, but I'll feel a little better when I've come to some ideas about what God thinks of me and my pets. What do you think?

Take Care


Blogger Derek the Youth Guy said...

My dog is spoiled and it is my fault. I have thought about the discrepancy between my love for my dog and my love for certain humans. Perhaps we love these animals because of their complete reliance and trust in us. Maybe God has blessed us with pets to teach us about how to love others.

This of course does not apply to cats...they are demon-spawn minions sent here to irritate us all.

9:43 AM  
Blogger Aaron McMillan said...

Yes, Cat's are EVIL. I forgot to mention that. Perhaps, our ability and inclination to love and care for things that do not deserve our love and care is a reflection of the image of God in us?

10:09 AM  

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