Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Here I Stand, Get Off My Lawn

Martin Luther stood before Charles and declared that he simply would not budge. Luther had come to believe, as had many others in his day, that the individual with the Bible before him or her trumped every authority on earth. Kings may rise and churches may fall, but for the Christian reality is shaped and normalized by words from God called scripture.

We say sola scriptura, but is that completely true? Did the Bible rise in the minds of men on that day? When Luther stood as he did he was doing far more than standing on the scriptures, he was also representing a change that was spreading across Europe and the world. In that moment Luther Symbolized the rise of the individual.

Today we live in a world where the individual has truly risen. I am writing a blog and you are reading it. (Thank you by the way) My neighbor is a Jehovah's Witness, another is a charismatic Christian, yet another is busy building a life without any god, and I, of course, am Ward Cleaver. In a few weeks we will all go and vote, that we may constitute a governed society to our liking.

So my question is this. Should we thank Luther or not? Should Christians be thankful for the rise of the individual? Tomorrow I'll be posting some of my thoughts, but I'd love to hear your's first.

Take Care


Blogger Aaron McMillan said...

Hey everyone. Allow me to introduce you to Dr. J. Thorne who gave me the chance to teach alongside him and taught me a bit along the way.

Also, if you don't know my friend Bart from Springfield MO you simply must. He will always have the answer when the question really matters. When the question doesn't really matter he will usually humor you anyway...unless he decides to mock you.


11:53 PM  

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