Wednesday, July 26, 2006

On Wings of Stooges

Sometimes I worry that the Church looks to the world like the Three Stooges, full of great plans, but mostly failing because everybody wants their version of the plan to be the plan. Of course we all have a plan. Every christian leader I've ever met has a plan.

Rabbit Trail Alert! Except for those that have chosen to be above the plan. It takes great dedication and focus to achieve this spiritual status. Mostly these sage individuals can be found sitting in Christian coffee shops, reading books about other people's plans and talking about how they don't have one. You can always spot the leader with no plan, because he or she is always there to keep you company when you stop by for coffee.

I'll tell you right now I have a plan. Some days its all I think about. What should God's people commit to? How should they organize themselves? What will success look like?

What worries me is when I look around and see so many plans, so many churches that I begin to ask myself, is this God's plan? Is this how God planned for the world to see His message, His people, His gospel exemplified? I begin to understand why some Christians are willing to tolerate almost any degree of deflated worldy Christianity before they will walk away from their church or denomination. Its that dream of being the church we were meant to be.

Rick Warren, who along with countless others has taught me a lot about churches, talks about knowing your taget audience and setting your ministry to task with that person in mind. I'm scarred to death he is right, very right. Targeting a specific kind of person may very well be the key to excellent effective ministry.

But is that really the gospel? Is that really the church God planned?

Dogs and cats, living together bound by a common Creator, Savior and indwelling Spirit, I thought that was the plan. And that's why some days I look at my church and the 17 others within 3 square miles and wonder whether to the world we look more like the Body of Christ, the Kingdom of God,.. or merely three stooges rolling around on the floor, going for the eyes, trying to make sure our plan comes out on top.

Take Care


Blogger Aaron McMillan said...


Thanks for the post! I think your distinction between relating "with" and relating "to" is very good and maybe gets deeper into the issue at hand. Of course we'll need individual congregations, but (since we do need a plan) at what point do we stop handing out coffee and healing (which I'm NOT attacking) and when do we ask our people to begin relating "to" people and even ways of doing ministry that we wold not relate "with" outside of Christ. Can we ever do this if we have accepted as a presupposition that our ministry ministry will be a focused/targeted one?

Then again... I have a friend in New Zealand named CRAIG who needs to chime in here and tell us what to do. If he's listening...

9:40 AM  

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